Ailise Bulfin

Dr Ailise Bulfin is a literary and cultural scholar whose research ranges from nineteenth-century to contemporary culture, with particular interests in cultural representations of major social issues and their reception. She has publications on child abuse, sexual violence, xenophobia, war, catastrophe and climate change, including the 2018 monograph, Gothic Invasions: Imperialism, War and Fin-de-Siècle Popular Fiction.
She lectures in Victorian and contemporary literature in the School of English, Drama and Film, University College Dublin, and is a European Research Council Starting Grant 2021 awardee for the project ‘Investigating Fictional Representations of Child Sexual Abuse in Contemporary Culture: Myths and Understanding’.
Her relevant publications include:
Ailise Bulfin, ‘“I’ll touch whatever I want”: representing child sexual abuse in contemporary children’s and young adult gothic’, Gothic Studies, 23:1 (2021): 21-42; doi:10.3366/gothic.2021.0076
Ailise Bulfin, ‘“Monster, give me my child”: How the myth of the paedophile as a monstrous stranger took shape in emerging discourses on child sexual abuse in late nineteenth-century Britain’, Nineteenth Century Contexts, 43.2 (2021): 221-245; doi:10.1080/08905495.2021.1897373 (open access)