Emily Troscianko

Dr. Emily Troscianko is a Research Associate at TORCH, Oxford University’s interdisciplinary research centre for the humanities, as well as a blogger (via “A Hunger Artist”, for Psychology Today), eating-disorder recovery coach, and coordinator of a writing programme for humanities graduate students at Oxford. Her research background is in cognitive literary studies—her first monograph, Kafka’s Cognitive Realism (2014), explored the phenomenon of the “Kafkaesque”—and she has ongoing interests in text-cued mental imagery and emotional responses. She coauthored the third edition of the world’s leading textbook on consciousness (Consciousness: An Introduction, with Susan Blackmore, 2018), and her current research centres on empirical investigation of the connections between literary reading and eating disorders.
Her website list her relevant publications: https://troscianko.com/
Following the CSA-in-Culture symposium, she produced the following paper: ‘What is triggering really? Possible parallels between eating disorders and child sexual abuse’