Maria Stuart

Dr. Maria Stuart is assistant professor in the School of English, Drama and Film, University College Dublin, where her teaching and research are in the areas of American literature, crime fiction and dysfluency studies. She is co-editor (with Fionnuala Dillane and Fionnghuala Sweeney) of Ireland, Slavery, Anti-Slavery and Empire (Routledge, 2018) and author of ‘The poetics of dysfluency: Emerson and Dickinson’ in Maintaining a Place: Conditions of Metaphor in Modern American Literature (UCD Press, 2014). Recent work in dysfluency studies includes ‘“Easy listening”: Altered auditory feedback and dysfluent speech’, Journal of Interdisciplinary Voice Studies, 4:1 (2019) and co-editorship (with Daniel Martin) of a special issue for the Journal of Interdisciplinary Voice Studies on dysfluency studies, 5:2 (2021). She is principal investigator for the Wellcome-funded project ‘Metaphoric Stammers and Embodied Speakers’: Connecting Clinical, Cultural and Creative Practice in the area of Dysfluent Speech.